[. . . ] Com manuals search engine 1 2 A B 3 4 5 13 12 11 10 6 9 7 8 1 PLM4120N A 1 2 3 4 5 13 12 B 11 10 6 9 7 8 2 PLM4620N 2 Downloaded from www. Com manuals search engine 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 Downloaded from www. Com manuals search engine 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 Downloaded from www. Com manuals search engine 16 (1) (2) (3) 17 18 19 20 14 15 21 22 23 Downloaded from www. [. . . ] When mowing long grass you may have to cut the lawn in two passes, lowering the blade another 1/3 of the length for the second cut and perhaps cutting in a different pattern than was used the first time. Overlapping the cut a little on each pass will also help to clean up any stray clippings left on the lawn. The mower should always be operated at full throttle to get the best cut and allow it to do the most effective job of mowing. Be certain to clean the underside of the cutting deck after each use to avoid a build-up of grass, which would prevent proper mulching. Mowing leaves: The mowing of leaves can also be beneficial to your lawn. When mowing leaves make sure they are dry and are not laying too thick on the lawn. 8-3 OPERATION PROCEDURES During operation, tightly hold the stop control handle with both hands. Note: During operation, when the stop control handle is released, the engine will stop and thus stopping the lawn mower from operating. In order to avoid any unintentional start-ups of the lawn mower, it comes equipped with an engine brake which must be pulled back before the engine can be started. When the engine control lever is released it must return to its initial position, at which point the engine automatically switches off. Remove wire from spark plug, thoroughly inspect the mower for any damage and repair the damage before restarting and operating the mower. Extensive vibration of the mower during operation is an indication of damage. When you release the lever the engine and the blade stop automatically. Before you start to mow, check the start/stop lever several times to be sure that it is working properly. Com manuals search engine 8-6 GRASS CATCHER Empty and clean the bag, make sure it is clean and ensure its meshwork is ventilated. 23) 8-7 DECK The underside of the mower deck should be cleaned after each use to prevent a buildup of grass clippings, leaves, dirt or other matter. If this debris is allowed to accumulate, it will invite rust and corrosion, and may prevent proper mulching. The deck may be cleaned by tilting the mower and scraping clean with a suitable tool (make certain the spark plug wire is disconnected). 11-1 ENGINE AIR CLEANER CAUTION: Do not allow dirt or dust to clog the air filter foam element. The engine air cleaner element must be serviced (cleaned) after 25 hours normal mowing. The foam element must be serviced regularly if the mower is used in dry dusty conditions. (refer to ENGINE OWNER’S MANUAL) 8-8 HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS CAUTION: Do not at any time make any adjustment to lawn mower without first stopping the engine and disconnecting the spark plug wire. [. . . ] Com manuals search engine Se till att rengöra undersidan av klippdäcket efter varje användning för att undvika att gräs byggs upp, vilket skulle förhindra korrekt bioklippning. Com manuals search engine 11-2 KNIVBLAD FÖRSIKTIGHET: Se till att koppla bort och jorda tändkabeln innan du utför arbete på knivbladet för att förebygga oavsiktlig start av motorn. Produsentens medfølgende anvisninger for bruk må følges og leses for å sikre at gressklipperen brukes og vedlikeholdes på riktig måte. For å redusere risikoen for alvorlig eller livsfarlig personskade, anbefaler vi personer med medisinske implantater å konsultere deres lege og produsenten av det medisinske implantatet før de bruker denne maskinen. [. . . ]